Capital da Alegria – capital of joy – this is the name of Salvador, the former colonial capital and today’s state capital of Bahia with its 3 million inhabitants.


Whoever has been here once will quickly understand why. There is hardly a visitor who is not carried away by the Afro-Brazilian energy and the pulsating joie de vivre of the Soterapolitanos, as the inhabitants are called.


The best way to discover the city and its nightlife is to join the best pub crawl Salvador with Riviera Var Crawl & Tours local guides and party experts!


Salvador Pub Crawl– What to do in Salvador at night?

Salvador Pub Crawl

As in any larger city, the first question in Salvador is which neighborhood you want to party in. In short, you have four options:


  • Close to the historical attractions (Pelourinho and Santo Antonio),
  • A central location with beautiful beaches (Barra),
  • Lively nightlife (Rio Vermelho),
  • Close to the airport and the beach (Flamengo, Stella Maris, Itapua, Vilas do Atlantico).


For us travelers, the rich nightlife is, and of course, safer.

There are places where Europeans would rather not go, for example, some bars in Rio Vermelho, where tourists sometimes get lost. But now and then you can go in such remote areas in the “bairros populares”, where one does not expect travelers, and thus the danger was also assessable. However, you need trustworthy local contacts.


Nightlife in Salvador – Where to party in Salvador? 

If you don’t have to fly on the next day, you usually choose accommodation in the old town (Pelourinho or Santo Antonio) or in Barra’s beach district, which is close to the center.


Nightlife in the Pelourinho:

At nightfall, drum sounds penetrate the old town streets.


  • Tuesday is traditionally one of the busiest days in the Pelourinho, especially the first of the month (Terça da Benção). The public rehearsals of the drummers are particularly worth seeing. With a bit of luck, you will experience the rhythm section Dida in action.
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  • Live music is played on all seats on other days of the week, depending on the season. These include the Praça Tereza Batista opposite and the nicely renovated inner courtyard of Largo Quincas Berro D’Agua. Everywhere there are bars where food is usually served.


  • Other events occasionally take place on the Largo do Pelourinho, the Terreiro de Jesus, and the Cruz Caidainstead. In the weeks before Carnival and in June for the Festas Juninas, the Pela’s mood rises to the boiling point, while in the off-season, it is much quieter – depending on the day of the week.


Nightlife in Rio Vermelho:

Outside the old town, in the Rio Vermelho district, the intellectuals, artists, and students of Salvador meet.


Here you will encounter a completely untouristed and metropolitan nightlife. There are two central squares with open-air bars, and acarajé stands that shine in new splendor after the renovation.


  • On the Largo de Santana, also known as Largo da Dinha, you sit relaxed, and you can visit one of the most famous Acaraje stands in the city at “Dinha” get one of the delicious Bahian snacks with your beer.


  • There is also an acaraje at the nearby Largo da Mariquita-Stand and various street bars where there are no more tables available from 7 p.m. on the weekend.


  • The adjacent fish market, Mercado do Peixe, with its new sail roofs and chic bars, is the meeting place for night owls until early in the morning.


  • In the evening there is a beautiful sunset from here. There are also new bars and trendy pubs along Rua da Paciencia and adjacent streets around the squares.


  • One of the constants in the fast-paced nightlife of Rio Vermelho, the cult bar counts Casa da M with its little live stage.


  • If you want to shake off the dance floor later in the evening, you can visit the trendy Borracharia disco.



In general, it can be said: there is one nightlife for the poor and one for the rich, although the rich nightlife is relatively manageable due to the relatively small number of wealthy people in the city.

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salvador pub crawl

Start your Salvador pub crawl tours 

Riviera Bar Crawl and Tours is a massive network of local guides, party experts, and local inhabitants worldwide who know all about the best party spots in the city.


If you want to discover and experience Salvador fully, join our local team members for private and group tours around the city or join the best pub crawls in Salvador and find out about the best bars, pubs, and cubs in Salvador to party with locals and other travelers and be part of the local nightlife and party scene in Salvador.


Join our local tour guides and nightlife experts, party all night long with fellow travelers and locals in some of the best bars and clubs in town, and create unique and unforgettable memories while meeting new people and local party-goers!

For further enquires and information, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us via our email: