Saint Patrick’s Day

saint patrick's day in nice french riviera

Saint Patrick’s Day is possibly one of the most internationally celebrated holidays in the world! Its an excuse for the boys in green to party even harder than they do on a usual night. The occasion makes for quiet the sight whether you’re involved in the festivities or not. Crowds flock to the local bars and streets dressed head to toe in green apparel, lucky four-leaf clovers painted onto their cheeks and Irish flags being waved proudly into the air. Not to mention the fantastic parades that often take place. Huge floats and street performers take to the streets to entertain the masses.


The Story of Saint Patrick

But what is the story behind this fantastic event? Well, to understand that, we have to go all the way back to the fifth century AD. Patrick (or Pádraig in Irish) was a young farm boy from Wales. As a teenager, pirates kidnapped him and sold him to an Irish shepherd know as Malachy. Patrick endured many years of hardship working for this cruel and unkind shepherd. His Christian beliefs were his only source of comfort.


Many years later, Patrick finally escaped his captivity. A mysterious dream encouraged him to escape from the shepherd and head South where a ship would be waiting for him. He travelled over 200 miles from the very North of Ireland down to the South. Patrick was amazed to find that there truly was a ship waiting to take him back to Britain. After returning home, Patrick travelled through Europe, delving into the Christian religion. Some even say that he lived in Cannes for some time during his travels.


After seven years of travelling, Patrick once again heard a mysterious voice in his dreams. This time, Patrick realised that the voice was God. God claimed that the people of Ireland needed Patrick to return to them and teach them about the Christian ways. Patrick understood his destiny and returned to the Island where he was once kept as a slave. He travelled throughout the small country and taught the people about God and the Bible. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, which is why he is considered the Patron Saint of the country.

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In order to teach the Irish people about the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit), he often used a shamrock, to represent these three figures. Hence why the shamrock is the national emblem of Ireland. This is also why we wear green on Saint Patrick’s Day and often also wear shamrocks in our breast pockets. Saint Patrick died in Ireland on March 17th in the year 461. To commemorate him, we celebrate in his honour on the anniversary of his death every year.


Our Celebrations here in Nice

Nice is no stranger to the Saint Patrick’s Day celebration. Though the holiday may have originated over 2000 kilometres from France, it doesn’t mean that the festivities aren’t just as wild and fun! Especially due to the international population we have here. In fact, Nice attracts over 5 million tourists every year! With this in mind, how do all these international tourists know where to go out and party? How will they be able to meet other expatriates and know which bars will understand English? Well, that’s where our Saint Patrick’s Day Nice Bar Crawl comes in!


We understand that it can’t always be easy to travel and make friends. So, we’re here to make the whole process easier. Our Bar Crawls welcome people from all over the world, young or old, extrovert or introvert. Whether you’re traveling alone or with a group, you’ll come away from the experience having made some great memories and fantastic friends.


Our local and bilingual guides will be right there to make sure there’s a great atmosphere. Throughout the night, we’ll organise a range of fun games for everyone to participate in. Ever played French Poquito or Beer Pong or Flip cup? Well you’re about to! So, you better bring your A game! The competition can get heated.


How it Works

Dress code for the night? Well, GREEN of course! Whether it’s a green t-shirt or a Guinness top hat or even a handful of lucky shamrocks stuffed into you breast pocket, we want everyone to look the part.


Meet us at the first bar, Le Loft – 49 rue de l’hotel des postes 06000 Nice, at 21:00 until 22:15. Our guides will be waiting to welcome you at the door. Here we’ll give you your VIP wristbands, with which you will get drinks discounts & free entry in each bar.

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Tickets are €15 when booked online and €20 when you pay at the door. However, due to limited spaces and our Bar Crawl’s popularity, we highly recommend booking in advance to avoid disappointment. But this ticket gets you a lot more than just a guaranteed great night. You’ll also receive a free shot in each bar, drink discounts, and free VIP entry and line pass into each venue! What more could you ask for?!

nice bar crawl

Have any question? Well then feel free to contact us via:
Whatsapp: +33 649 244 407


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