Enjoy and fully benefit from outdoor Yoga lessons while you journey in Nice. Practice, align your body and soul with Universal principles.

Surrounded by natural beauties of the town you will go exploring pranayama and asans in the most beautiful corners of Nice. Your mindful will walks into the trees blowing up on Nice’s Castle, into the deep blue sea and sun-light on the beautiful beaches.

Together with breathing and special mindsets, you will be connected to Nature, yourself and everything around you. It truly is one of the most enlightening and enjoyable exercises you could possibly do.

The Great thing about yoga is that it truly is for everyone. Whether you are young or old. Or you are a fitness fanatic or a couch potato. Yoga is not made for just a single body type. With a range of different forms, there’s sure to be a yoga style perfect for everyone. No matter if you’re looking for a somewhat intense yoga workout. Or even just something simple to take up 20 minutes of your day.

Here in Nice, we have a fantastic selection of yoga teachers and studios. All of which offer different and unique practices. The trick is trying to find the perfect option for you!

Find your Instructor:

Price : 20€/hour

Contact : +33 623 932 269

Fan Page : zephirocorpsconscience


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