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from € 50.00
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Ostello Bello, Via Medici, 4, Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Not Rated



Tour Type

Specific Tour

Group Size

100 people


English, French, Italian, Spanish


计划您的 2025 年法国尼斯除夕派对!

在法国里维埃拉首府尼斯庆祝您的 2025年除夕。与 Riviera Bar Crawl & Tours 一起在尼斯度过除夕之夜吧。让您的 2025 年尼斯除夕夜与众不同,提前预订,度过一个难忘的派对之夜。午夜时分,在这里迎接 2025 年的到来!



  • 集合时间和地点:21:00 – 22H10 Villa St Exupery 6 rue sacha guitry 06000 Nice
  • 日期: 2024 年 12 月 31 日
  • 价格: 35 欧元起 !
    活动类型 酒吧漫步,2025 年除夕派对、
    音乐 派对混音, 商业/流行
  • 地点: 尼斯 尼斯 法国里维埃拉
    最低年龄 18 岁以上
  • 联系方式: SMS WHATSAPP +33 649 244 07

Riviera Bar Crawl 今年夏天在娱乐方面做得相当不错,毫无疑问,最精彩的还在后面,”2025 年新年夜 “将是他们最盛大的一次活动。准备好在尼斯老城的街道上与一群深夜狂欢的人们一起,在一年中最盛大的派对之夜尽情狂欢吧。

您将在导游的带领下,以旋风般的速度游览尼斯的四家顶级酒吧。持有 “里维埃拉酒吧巡游 “门票的游客还可享受独家酒水优惠。

► Riviera Bar Crawl 尼斯新年夜的门票每年都会售罄。名额有限,请在线预订,以免失望。

购买里维埃拉酒吧新年夜门票,您将整晚节省超过 50 欧元,包括免费进入所有场所、免费饮酒和酒水优惠。我们还将确保您进入酒吧。


尼斯里维埃拉酒吧巡游(NYE Riviera Bar Crawl Nice)门票:

🎟 银色通行证包括 🎟:

  • 免费进入 4 家酒吧
  • 4 杯
  • 特饮
  • 狗仔队
  • 1 杯饮料(葡萄酒、啤酒或混合饮料)


🔥 准备好在尼斯度过一个难忘的夜晚了吗?赶快行动,抢购除夕夜酒吧巡游门票的超值折扣!我们的层级门票数量有限,请务必确保您的折扣门票,准备好在尼斯度过一个充满魅力、欢笑和庆祝的夜晚。为节省开支和史诗般的新年前夜干杯!🎆🥳

  1. 🌅 特别优惠 – 35€ (有限折扣 – 活动开始前2周)
  2. 🚨 第二版 – 50€
  3. 🕒 标准门票 – 60€ (的日子 / 在现场)




  • 在友好的导游带领下体验尼斯的夜生活
  • 有趣的破冰游戏
  • 与来自世界各地的人聚会


  • 免费饮品
  • 一杯饮料(葡萄酒、啤酒或混合饮料)
  • 3 个酒吧的贵宾入口
  • 趣味游戏
  • 认识新朋友
  • 女生和雄鹿的私人聚会,加90欧元给我们可怕的私人导游
  • 私密母鸡和雄鹿聚会--脱衣舞表演--300欧元
  • 8人乘坐1小时私人悍马轿车 - 400欧元
  • 在 "行程包括 "中没有提到的饮料
  • 酒水服务+夜总会 - 500欧元起
  • 贵宾豪华轿车之旅


Tour's Location

Ostello Bello, Via Medici, 4, Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy


What does the Bar Crawl ticket include ?

Bar crawl ticket includes a guided tour of 4 bars/club. In each bar you have a 30-50% discounts on certain drinks (mostly beer and mixed drinks) and you get 1 drink and 1 free shot in each place. We play several games every night to boost the chemistry among the group and also you can expect friendly hosts dedicated to having a good fun. 

Where is the meeting place and how can I spot my guides ?

We meet at Ostello Bello, at Via Medici, 4, 20123 Milano MI, Italy. We will be waiting for you there between 21h00 and 22h10 and afterward, we move on to the next bar. You can spot your guides wearing a red t-shirt who will welcome you at the entrance, explain you the plan for the night and introduce you to people.

What time do we meet ?

We always meet between 21:00 (9pm) and 22:00 (10pm). Then we move on to the next bar.

How long does the bar crawl last ?

Bar crawl lasts for about 4 hours, until 1h30. But last late night bar is open until 5am so you can party as long as you want.

Who is the Bar Crawl suitable for ?

Bar crawl is suitable for all people older than 18 years of age. There is no upper limit, you are welcome to join us if you are 84 as long as you want to have fun. We always have people from all around the world so the main spoken language is English. Though, our guides speak French, and on some nights we have Spanish speaking guides.

Is there any dress code ?

There is no particular dress code, though we advise you don’t come in flip-flops or wearing a tank-top. 

Can I pay by card in all the venues we visit ?

Majority of the bars we visit accepts cards, however, in some bars there is a minimum amount to pay in case you want to use card. We also have one bar that does not accept cards at all, and therefore, to be safe, we suggest you have some amount of cash on you.

Where can I find the photos from the night ?

You can find photo from the night on our facebook page in the next few days after the bar crawl. 

What type of bars do we visit during the night ?

We visit several types of bars, though it depends on the night as we switch up the venues every day of the week.

We have a variety of bars starting with Irish pubs, going through cocktail bars to latino and dance bars. There is almost no chance there won’t be at least something you would like. Live music or dance music, sit & chat atmosphere or playing games, dance or chill. We’ve got it all!

I’m running late. What’s the scheduling of the bar crawl and where can I find you?

We usually are in the second bar from 22:25 until 23:10. If you’re not managing to catch up with us, give us a call at +33 649 244 407.

Will we play any games during the evening?

We will be playing games during the evening, depending on the night. For example, you can expect games like flip cup, beer pong, limbo, body shots or french paquito. 


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